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<P>你还能记得什么?!..</P> <P>系咩来架????</P><P>系你自己啉架???</P><P>定系响边度找番来架???</P> <P>楼主写既系一个负心既女仔,寡情薄幸,将他抛弃。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-1 18:28:03编辑过] <P>我睇过楼主之前既几张帖,觉得楼主无需灰心,而应该值得庆幸,一个甘无安全感既女仔,真系唔要得,与其越陷越深,不如早点抽身出来,免得伤害更大了</P><P>楼主无谓为左一株荆棘,而放弃对爱既追求,对人生既热爱。她放弃你,绝对是她的损失,你的庆幸</P><P>Because I know who you are.</P> <P>妳知道我繫邊個???</P> <P>your story is familiar to me ?do i know you? are u a student? </P><P>Anyway, i hope you can go through . No great loss without some gain!塞翁失马,焉知非福!</P><P>stop waiting, it is not worth waiting! time and tide wait for no man, watch further,smile, smile ,smile,to the sorrows you meet bofore or later,you will absolutely fine your sweet heart in your lifetime! </P><P> Think about that, the girl you are thinking of, missing very much is not the girl she was!!!!!!!!! Whether she come back or not will not change your unhappy, will not bring back your tear which your sweared before!!!!</P><P>New year is coming, i will spend my spring festival at a supermaket as a parttime sales, even the valantine's day. May be i will come back Sihui at the 8th day of the festival. </P><P> Do being happy especially in the valantine"s Day, do not lose your boy's courage, do not let your friends down, all of them are care about you!!!!</P><P> Best wishes!</P> <P>楼主,你甘都唔知小虫系边个啊???</P><P>距当然系识你架啦,所以距讲既野你应该听听</P> <P>真繫吾知繫邊個。。。SORRY...</P><P>講開又講,娟子既英文真繫好掂啊。。我都繫睇得明大部分,有D單詞都吾識。。</P> <P>比起一个完全唔记英文既人</P><P>真系掂到晕啊......</P> 妳自己比左錢都吾去學,仲好意思講?