踏浪行歌 发表于 2005-10-3 17:23:00

《Casablanca 》 的爱情

<P>下载小提琴伴奏版~~~<BR><a href="http://www.yueqi.net.cn/forum/uploadImages/1115222940000.mp3" target="_blank" >http://www.yueqi.net.cn/forum/uploadImages/1115222940000.mp3</A></P>
<P><STRONG>《Casablanca 》</STRONG><BR><BR>Sung By "Bertie Higgins"<BR><BR><BR><EM><STRONG>I fell in love with you</STRONG></EM> <BR>Watching Casablanca <BR>Back row at the driven show <BR>In the flickering light <BR>Pop-corn and cokes beneath the stars<BR>Became champagne and caviare <BR>Making love on the long hot summer's night <BR><BR><BR><EM><STRONG>I thought you fell in love with me</STRONG></EM><BR>Watching Casablanca <BR>Holding hand beneath the paddle fan <BR>In Rick's candle lit cafe <BR>Hiding in the shadows from the spots <BR>A rocky moon light in your arms <BR>Making magic in the movies <BR>In your old Chevrolet <BR><BR><BR>Oh'a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca <BR>A kiss in not a kiss without your sigh <BR><STRONG><EM>Please come back to me in Casablanca</EM></STRONG> <BR>I love you more and more each day <BR>As time goes by <BR>(music) <BR><BR><BR><EM><STRONG>I guess there are many broken hearts</STRONG></EM> <BR>In Casablanca <BR>You know I've really been there <BR>So I don't know <BR>I guess our love story will never be seen <BR>On the big wide silver screen <BR>But it hurt as bad <BR>When I had to watch you go <BR><BR><BR>The End.<BR></P>
<P>  1941年。卡萨布兰卡。在纳粹的铁蹄之下,要从欧洲逃往美国,必须绕道摩洛哥北部城市卡萨布兰卡。 <BR>这使得这座城市的情势异常紧张。</P>
<P>  里克夜总会的老板里克是位神秘的男子。 一日,捷克反纳粹领袖维克多拉斯洛和妻子伊尔莎来到李克夜总会,希望通过里克获得通行证。里克发现伊尔莎正是自己的昔日恋人,过去的误解解开后,伊尔莎徘徊在丈夫与情人间,而仍深爱着她的里克,却决定护送伊尔莎和她的丈夫离开萨布兰卡。在机场,里克开枪射杀了打电话阻止飞机起飞的德军少校后,目送着心爱的女人离开……</P>
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