<P>汉语</P><P><BR> English</P>
<P><BR> <BR>有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!</P>
<P><BR> How happy we are, To meet friends from afar!</P>
<P><BR> <BR>欢聚一堂</P>
<P><BR> enjoy a happy get-together</P>
<P><BR> <BR>一见如故</P>
<P><BR> feel like an old friends at first sight</P>
<P><BR> <BR>一回生,二回熟</P>
<P><BR> First time strangers, second time friends</P>
<P><BR> <BR>共叙旧谊</P>
<P><BR> renew friendship</P>
<P><BR> <BR>记忆犹新</P>
<P><BR> remain fresh in one's memory</P>
<P><BR> <BR>一言为定</P>
<P><BR> It's a deal.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>礼轻情意重</P>
<P><BR> The gift itself may be small, but the goodwill is deep.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>一如既往</P>
<P><BR> as always</P>
<P><BR> <BR>入乡随俗</P>
<P><BR> When in Rome do as the Romans do.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>百闻不如一见</P>
<P><BR> Seeing is believing.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>举世瞩目</P>
<P><BR> draw worldwide attention</P>
<P><BR> <BR>天时、地利、人和</P>
<P><BR> Good opportunity, favorable geographical location and support from the people.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>政通人和</P>
<P><BR> The government functions well and the people live in harmony.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>深入人心</P>
<P><BR> enjoy popular support</P>
<P><BR> <BR>名副其实</P>
<P><BR> be true to one's name</P>
<P><BR> <BR>名不虚传</P>
<P><BR> deserve one's reputation</P>
<P><BR> <BR>日新月异</P>
<P><BR> change with each passing day</P>
<P><BR> <BR>盲目发展</P>
<P><BR> pell-mell development</P>
<P><BR> <BR>欲速则不达</P>
<P><BR> Haste makes waste; More haste, less speed</P>
<P><BR> <BR>千里之行,始于足下</P>
<P><BR> A three-hundred-mile journey starts with the first step.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>空谈误国,实干兴邦</P>
<P><BR> empty talks would lead the country astray, and hard work can rejuvenate the nation.</P>
<P><BR> <BR>取长补短</P>
<P><BR> learn from other's strong points and close the gap</P>
<P><BR> <BR>求同存异</P>
<P><BR> to seek common ground while reserving differences</P>
<P> <BR></P>