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[运营技巧] 符合以下条件的差评可以向亚马逊申请移除

发表于 2016-9-22 14:59:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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As a general rule, Amazon does not remove buyer feedback even if it is unwarranted or the issue has been resolved. Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases:

1. The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane.
评价中包含淫秽和猥亵的词语,  如:  I finally receive the parcel from the stupid seller , shit quality , very dispointed.

2. The feedback includes seller-specific, personallyidentifiable information, including e-mail addresses,  full names, or telephone numbers.
评价中包含了我们卖家私人信息,如邮箱,电话号码 ,全名(不是全名也有可能申诉成功,创蓝团队有过成功的经验)

3. The entire feedback comment is a product review.
全部的Feedback只针对产品,没有提到卖家的服务,  如:这把户外小刀不是很锋利(这种情况下我们试过有些可以申述成功,有些也还是不能移除)但如果评价到了卖家的服务就不可能移除,  如: 派送太慢了,而且收到货的时候发现小刀不是很锋利.

4. The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment orcustomer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customerservice for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line willappear through the rating with the following statement.
FBA引起的物流问题亚马逊不会帮你将差评移除,但是会帮你将差评划掉,然写一行字: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience.

5. 有些蠢顾客在留评价的时候在 arrive on time , item as described , customer service 这三项中都写的YES ,然后又评价是正面的,但是留个你一个差评,像这种也可以发给CASE给亚马逊要求移除。

6. 还有一种情况是顾客威胁我们说不怎么怎么样就给差评,我们可以将这样的话截图直接交给亚马逊处理,同时如果卖家向客户提供一些好处让客户消除好评,这种做法被亚马逊查到了是会对账户有影响的, 情节严重话会导致账户被移除销售权限: http://bbs.ichuanglan.com/thread-1198-1-1.html

亚马逊原文规定: You may request that a buyer removefeedback. However, you may not offer nor pay any incentive to a buyer foreither providing or removing feedback

7. 我们建议买家留差评后卖家积极主动的和买家沟通,争取和买家达成一致协议,让他把差评移除(留差评后60天内买家可以移除该差评)卖家向亚马逊申请移除差评成功以后,亚马逊是会邮件通知买家卖家双方,而买家有权利再一次留评。为了避免激怒客户建议过几天再去申请差评移除。

8. 买家不知道如何移除差评可按照以下步骤操作: http://bbs.ichuanglan.com/thread-1266-1-1.html

9. 咨询关于移除差评的入口和操作步骤http://bbs.ichuanglan.com/thread-3898-1-1.html

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