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发表于 2005-10-7 00:02:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1. 破釜沉舟 burn the boat
2. 空中楼阁 castle in the air
3. 晴空霹雳 a bolt from the blue
4. 半斤八两 six of one and half a dozen of the other
5. 正中下怀 after one’s own heart
6. 毛发倒竖 one’s hair stands on end
7. 一石二鸟 kill two birds with one stone
8. 千钧一发 hang by a hair
9. 杀鸡取卵 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
10. 小题大做 make a mountain out of a molehill
11. 赴汤蹈火 go through fire and water
12. 洗心革面 turn over a new leaf
13. 颠三倒四 at sixes and sevens
14. 横行霸道 throw one’s weight about
15. 大发雷霆 blow one’s top
16. 过河拆桥 kick down the ladder
17. 乳臭未干 be wet behind the ears
18. 格格不入 be like square pegs in round holes
19. 魂不附体 jump out of one’s skin

1. 别有用心 have an axe to grind
2. 胡言乱语 talk through one’s hat
3. 家徒四壁 to be as poor as Job
4. 不伦不类 neither fish nor fowl
5. 一视同仁 no respecter of persons
6. 千方百计 leave no stone unturned
7. 偷偷摸摸 hole and corner
8. 美中不足 a fly in the ointment
9. 九死一生 by the skin of one’s teeth
10. 直言不讳 call a spade a spade
11. 竭泽而渔 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
12. 打草惊蛇 wake a sleeping dog
13. 易如反掌 as easy as falling off a log
14. 玩火自焚 fry in one’s own grease
15. 挥金如土 spend money like water
16. 掌上明珠 the apple of one’s eye
17. 对牛弹琴 cast pearls beforene
18. 守口如瓶 keep a still tongue in one’s head
19. 雪中送炭 help a lame dog over a stile
20. 画蛇添足 paint the lily
21. 塞翁失马 a blessing in disguise
遨海湾-心灵的港湾 www.aosea.com
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