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三字经 (英文版)英文是美国的一位自称是汉语学家翻译的,后面 的英译中为二次直译文。
人之初, At the beginning of life,*在人生的一开始 性本善。 *** is good. *性是好的 性相近, Basically, *** is nearly all the same in nature.*基本上性的大体是相近的 习相远。 But it depends on how the way you do it.*但这取决于你用什么方式去做 苟不教, If you do not practice all the time,*如果你不经常地练习它 性乃迁。 *** will leave you. *性将离你远去 教之道, During the way of learning it,*在你学习性的过程中 贵以专。 the successful key is to . *成功的关键 make love with only one person 是只和一个人做爱 昔孟母, Previously, a great mother named Mrs. Mon *以前有位著名的孟女士 择邻处。 chose her neighbour to *选择邻居的准则 avoid bad *** influence. 是避开性习惯不良的人。 子不学,She taught her son that"if you doesn't study hard,*她说孩子若不努力学习 断机杼。 your dick will become useless and broken."*你们的那个就会没用且断掉 窦燕山, A famous person called Dou,*还有个很著名的人叫“窦” 有义方。 owned a very effective exciting medicine.*有一个很有效的能兴奋的药方 教五子, All his five sons took it, *他的5个儿子都得到了这个药方 名俱扬。 then their ***ual ability became well-known.*他们的性能力远近闻名 养不教, If anyone who have children *如果你有孩子 but they don't know how to do it, 但他们不懂得如何做爱的话 父之过。 it is all the father's fault. *这完全是父亲的错误 教不严, If they have lots of problems in doing it, *如果他们做得不是很好 师之惰。 their teacher must be too lazy *那一定是他们的老师太懒了 in telling them the details on ***. 没有详细有告知他们做爱的细节 子不学, If you refuse to learn ***, *如果你拒绝学习性 非所宜。 that should be a big mistake. *那将是个大大的错误 幼不学, If you don't learn it in childhood, *如果你在孩童时期没有学的话 老何为。 you will lose your ability when aged.*随着年龄的增长你将会丧失性能力 玉不琢, If you don't exercise your dick, *如果你不去锻炼自己的那个玩意 不成器。 it won't become hard and strong. *它就不会变硬变大 人不学, People who don't learn ***,*不去学习性的人 不知义。 their life will become meaningless. *他们的生活将变得毫无意义 |